Launching the Orbit Skills Center with the University
Orbit Future Academy together with Indonesia Economic Forum successfully held two panel discussion sessions. The first session for the government sector, themed "Realizing Indonesia's Vision 2045: Discussion on Workforce Skills Development Strategy"; and a second session for academics, themed "Bridging the Gap: Navigating the Future Job Shock through Enhanced Collaboration".
"Why are we intensively talking about technology insights & skills? Because of two things, namely: technology skills must be mastered by anyone; for the sake that we can understand phenomena, trend directions, and various future predictions; and because technological insights make us able to participate in global associations & careers," said Sachin Gopalan (Co-Founder &CEO of Indonesia Economic Forum).
"Therefore, let us together focus on improving digital technology skills as early as possible, work readiness improvement programs for students, and harmonious collaboration between the government and the private sector. In front of us, Indonesia's 2045 vision has been stretched, so let's intensify concrete & tactical steps to achieve this vision, especially from the education sector," said Ilham Akbar Habibie (Head of the WANTIKNAS Implementation Team) ending his explanation.
"Based on a public survey some time ago, it is proven that graduates of the majority of Indonesian universities are not ready to immediately enter the world of work. It takes 3-6 months of training & mentoring until they are ready to be assigned. For the business world, this waste of time means disposal of expenses as well. Orbit Skills Center is here for universities, to solve this problem," said Nalin Singh (Co-Founder &; CEO of Orbit Future Academy).
The event was closed with the signing of an Orbit Skills Center cooperation agreement between Orbit Future Academy and ten universities. This partnership allows more students to gain access to learning materials and mentoring Tech Skills, Life Skills, Business / Entrepreneurship Skills, Corporate Skills, Financial Skills, and many other high-value skills. The participation of campuses throughout Indonesia in the Orbit Skills Center is an inevitable demand of the times.
Thanks to LLDIKTI, BPSDM Kemdagri, Job Market Center - Kemenaker, Bina Implementation of Vocational Training & Apprenticeship - Kemenaker, Ministry of Communication and Information, State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs; and Slamet Riyadi Surakarta University, Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology, 17 August 1945 Univ. Jakarta, Moestopo (Beragama) Univ., Al Azhar Indonesia University, Dian Nusantara University, Pasundan University, Muhammadiyah Saintek University, Serang Raya University, Muhammadiyah Tangerang University, STIE EKUITAS, Djuanda University, Ibn Khaldun Bogor University, Indonesian Education Univ., Pamulang University, Maranatha Christian University Bandung, Kuningan University, Indo Global Mandiri University, Cyber University; who have been present at this event.