The Youth Development Program by Orbit Future Academy
Accenture, BenihBaik.com, Amazon Web Services (AWS) re/Start, and Orbit Future Academy successfully held the launch of the Youth Development Program. Through this program, Indonesia's young generation is expected to be able to hone digital knowledge and skills, so that they have an innovative and capable mindset in filling future career opportunities.
Rani Sarojeni Burchmore as Regional Leader of AWS re/Start Program - APJC explained that in this digital era, all levels of society in the world, especially the younger generation, need to continue to develop themselves to remain relevant and competitive in the regional and international labor market. The Youth Development Program is a forum for Indonesian youth to navigate their development in the realm of digital technology.
"The Youth Development Program not only introduces digital literacy for the younger generation, but also triggers a collaborative culture and digital innovation throughout Indonesia to the international level. This is a bright future prospect, and inspires and empowers Indonesian youth, to increase their potential and creativity in welcoming the future of the digital ecosystem."
"It is built by campaigning for sustainable digital transformation that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusivity, and equips young Indonesians with the skills and opportunities they need. We are very enthusiastic about advancing various regions of Indonesia that have been lacking in technological touch. We believe that the collaboration with Accenture and Orbit Future Academy is the best effort to capture the best talents from all over Indonesia, including even in small cities," concluded Rani S. Burchmore ending her presentation.
This program will run for 3 months. The main activity of this Bootcamp program equips the younger generation with Soft Skills, Professional Skills, Technical Skills and Leadership Skills.
Nalin Singh as CEO of Orbit Future Academy explained that the core learning of technology insights in the Youth Development Program is Cloud Computing with AWS.
"Cloud Computing technology is increasingly common in various industries. Even in industries that were previously the least touched by technology, Cloud Computing has played a significant role in the effectiveness and efficiency of its business processes."
"We have high hopes for the partnership in the Youth Development Program between Orbit Future Academy and Accenture, Good Seed & AWS re/Start. Through this collaboration, we are providing a roadmap for young people to lead innovation and the digital future," said Nalin Singh concluding his remarks.
All parties involved in the Youth Development Program are optimistic that this program can bring significant changes to the young generation of Indonesia. The program, which has been running in several Asian countries, has shown encouraging success and generated a constructive impact on its participants.